
[Me and Honda] #0045 [Interview] Sarah’s Motorcycle life | バイクと旅で広がるサラの人生

New video by 本田技研工業株式会社 (Honda) on YouTube

[Me and Honda] #0045 [Interview] Sarah’s Motorcycle life | バイクと旅で広がるサラの人生

下に日本語文が続きます: Sarah got her first motorcycle when she was 10. It was a Honda XR100, a present from her dad. “Although I was scared at first, my dad, who rode off-road motorcycle, was patient and persistent, eventually encouraging me to ride.” Since then, Sarah Martin has reveled in a life bedecked with Honda motorcycles. Her husband gave her a Honda bike as a wedding present. During their honeymoon, she used the new XL175 to tour around the Sierra Nevada mountains and Yosemite National Park. “Honda bikes always start with just one kick. I like their reliability and style. They’ve have helped me grow and opened up possibilities.” The motorcycle she likes and rides now is an XL200R. She and her husband Drew, a photographer, travel as a trio with their dog Bodie. Last summer they loaded their bikes onto a trailer and hauled that behind their camper, travelling around the western part of the United States for five weeks. “I met my husband through motorcycling, and have also connected with some wonderful friends and seen spectacular scenery thanks to motorcycles. For me, my motorcycle is not just something that I ride, but it is also a door for me to new experiences.” Her stories, spoken honestly and naturally, resonate in my mind as words of wisdom. It is, perhaps, as if riding motorcycles is some new kind of philosophy. 人生最初のバイクは、10歳の時にお父さんにプレゼントされたHonda XR100だった。 「最初は怖くてたまらなかったけれど、オフロードバイク乗りだった父は頑固なところがあって、根気よく私にバイクを勧めたわ」 それからサラ・マーティンはHondaのバイクに彩られた人生を謳歌し続けている。夫が結婚祝いにくれたのもHonda。ハネムーンではそのXL175に乗って、ネバダシエラの山脈とヨセミテ国立公園をまわった。 「キックスタートはいつも一発。信頼性とこのスタイルが好き。Hondaのバイクが私を成長させ、可能性を広げてくれたの」 今、気に入って乗っているのはXL200R。写真家の夫ドリュー、そして愛犬ボーディとトリオで旅をする。キャンピングカーのカーゴにバイクを乗せて、去年の夏は5週間かけてアメリカ西部をまわった。 「夫との出会いもバイク。素敵な友達やすばらしい景色にも、バイクを通じて出会ってきた。私にとってのバイクは、ただの乗り物ではなく、新しい経験への扉のようなものなの」 あくまでも自然体で彼女の紡ぐ言葉は、心に響く名言ばかり。バイクに乗るって哲学なのかも。 https://ift.tt/2E1waoV
