
[Me and Honda] #0044 Making engine sounds while kneeling on TATAMI mats! | 正座で奏でるエンジン音!

New video by 本田技研工業株式会社 (Honda) on YouTube

[Me and Honda] #0044 Making engine sounds while kneeling on TATAMI mats! | 正座で奏でるエンジン音!

下に日本語文が続きます: In the corner of a TATAMI mat room, a young boy uses a crushed can to create the sound of a car engine. Blowing into the can, he makes the precise sound for shifting into and out of each gear, while his brother, seated beside him, pretends to shift gears on a make shift console box. I bet they love cars. The purity of their enjoyment is heartwarming. The brother making engine sounds is SOHTA. He was 14 then, but is a freshman in university now. He wants to design cars someday, so he enrolled in the design department. SOHTA is definitely a hardcore car fan! “The video I uploaded was from when my brother was a third grader at elementary school, and I was in my third year of junior high school. My father was a mechanic and worked on cars, so we were crazy about cars even at that young age. I watch F1, MotoGP, and rally racing, and also enjoy bicycle racing. Because of that, I think the feel of shifting gears is deeply ingrained in me.” Both the steering wheel and stick shift his younger brother is playing with in the video are real sports car parts that they found lying around the house. They probably put the gear console together with the real thing in mind. “As a hobby I often sketch cars. One day I would like to see a car that I design racing through the city. By the way, my younger brother is in junior high school now and he’s taken up street performing.” I wonder if he’s putting to use his masterful gear-shifting skill in his street performances!? I’m super curious about that! 畳の部屋の片隅で、潰れた空き缶で奏でるエンジン音。シフトチェンジの細やかな演技に唸りつつ、ゆるゆるのギアと正座の姿がジワジワくる。きっとクルマが好きなんだろうなぁ。純粋さが眩しくなったりもして。 エンジン音を担当した兄の颯太さん(当時14歳)は、現在大学1年生。将来はカーデザイナーを夢見て、大学のデザイン学部で勉強しているらしい。やっぱり筋金入りのクルマ好き!? 「動画を投稿したのは、弟が小3、僕が中3の時でした。父が車の整備士をしていたので、僕らも小さい頃からクルマが大好きでした。F1、MotoGP、ラリーも見ますし、自転車レースも好き。そんな風なので、シフトチェンジの感覚は体に染みついているんだと思います」 動画で弟さんが使っているハンドルやシフトレバーは、家に転がっていたという本物のスポーツカーのパーツとのこと。シフトゲージも本物を意識して作ったものらしい。 「趣味でクルマのスケッチをよくしてるんです。いつか自分がデザインしたクルマが、街の中を走っている景色を見てみたいですね。ちなみに弟はいま、中学生。趣味は大道芸なんですよ」 あの絶妙なシフトレバーの演技が、大道芸にも生かされているのだろうか!? 気になる! https://ift.tt/2E1waoV
